#WifeLife Vol. 1

Alright y’all. I am now over a month into married life. And I have a few myths to bust, at least myths I believed or was concerned about pre-marriage, and a few tips!

***⚠️ Warning: Talk of sex, in some detail, to follow⚠️ ***  

  • Myth #1: Sleeping in the same bed as someone is hard and it takes a while to get used to.
    False. Sleeping with my husband is the best thing ever. We keep our apartment cold so we snuggle up with each other and honestly I don’t know how I ever slept alone.
  • Myth #2: The first time you have sex, it’ll be SUPER awkward if you and/or your spouse is a virgin.
    False. Our first time was sweet, passionate, romantic, and extremely hot. We opted not to use a condom the very first time. Now, the first time with a condom was a little awkward because putting it on was weird. 😅
  • Myth #3: Condoms make sex feel weird/unnatural.
    Semi-False. Okay. If condoms make sex less enjoyable for one or both of you, you need to try different condoms. We bought variety packs of various brands and here’s my inside scoop: “regular” just smooth condoms don’t feel great for me, but they feel good fo him. Ribbed or studded latex condoms feel good for me, but not so great for him. Non-latex, studded condoms feel good for us both. We found that the “Skyn Extra Studded” ones are our favorites. It does still feel best with nothing. But using condoms does not have to take away from the pleasure, I promise.
  • Myth #4: Men always want sex more often than woman.
    False. In our case, at least. I initiate sex more often, and he’s turned me down at least once because he was super tired from working on the farm.
  • Myth #5: You’re young, so you don’t need to buy/think about using lube during sex.
    FALSE!!!! Lube is your bff, ladies & gents. Seriously. Girls, sorry for the TMI, but the wetter, the better, and you will not regret adding a little extra. Men, if she’s really feeling good, you will be too. We like “Queen V’s P.S. I lube you”, it’s all natural, condom safe, and vegan. You can get it online.

💍 Tips 💍

  • Talk about it. All of it. Everything. Even if it’s awkward. Even if you’re worried about how they may take it. Like something they did? (Washed dishes, cleaned around the house, something special they did/tried during sex felt really good?) Tell them. Didn’t like something they did? (Left dishes out, reorganized something, tried something new during sex that felt kinda ugh?) TELL. THEM. If something feels off, or you feel disconnected or weird about something, talk about it.
  • If you have access to a shower large enough, shower together. It doesn’t have to be sexy, because showers are slippery and not super roomy. But just talking about the day and being together in the shower is really relaxing and personally, it makes me feel more bonded to my husband.
  • Ask, don’t expect. Don’t assume he’s going to take out the trash because you think he should/that’s “his job”, or that she’s going wash all the laundry because that’s how it was in your house growing up. Ask, and ask nicely! “Hey, could you help me out by taking the trash out/walking the dog/washing some dishes?” And then thank them!
  • If there’s a task/chore you’re super OCD about, and you have your special certain way you like it done, maybe make that your job alone. For example, I am a little high maintenance when it comes to the way laundry is done, so I asked Joseph to just leave that entirely to me. You may need to assign chores, if it gets confusing or you step on each other’s toes about things. Joseph and I haven’t had that issue, but I’ve known couples who have.

So, Moriah, you ask, why is your blog titled “Vol. 1”? Because I intend to write a series of these as I get more weeks, months, years, etc of married life under my belt. After all, one month in isn’t much experience! But, you learn and grow with each passing day, and I want to be able to share what I learn with you all!!

Until next time!


Wedding - Joseph & Moriah Leech


Let’s be Adventurers


I am so desparate to travel. See more of this big, beautiful world in all it’s majesty. But I don’t want to do it alone. I want to share those experiences with my husband *says the single dateless 21 year old*. I have money put away for it, I have lots of ideas and dreams and hopes all stored away in my head, longing to escape and run wild and free. So many people have told me I should be using my single years to explore, do what I’ve always wanted to do, try new things, travel, etc. But as inviting as that sounds, I want to have those experiences with someone I love. I want to have scrapbooks filled with pictures of us in crazy places doing crazy things, so we can look back at them and laugh at our silly 20-something selves, together.

Maybe I’m missing out on some really grand solo adventures, but I still think they’d be much better with company. 🙂

A Dream Fund

Only a couple people currently know this, but I have a separate savings fund in my bank account called “Special Trip Savings”. Originally I titled it “Honeymoon Savings”, but it made me sad whenever I saw it, since I can’t actually see progress in the marriage department of my life.

It started out with just $40 in it, but in just over two years of adding between $20-$60 bucks per pay check, it is at just over $700. And I’m still at a loss as to what to do with it. I have another savings fund which I’ve used for car issues, college and occasionally for holiday money, and it has a good bit more in it, so I don’t need to worry about saving this for emergencies. But do I still save it for my honeymoon?

Another fact: I’ve dreamed for quite a while now of visiting New Zealand. But I really don’t want to go alone. Half the fun of an adventure is sharing it with someone else. So I’ve thought that maybe, possibly, I could go with my husband. Someday…. And we’d need money for that. A good bit of money. Yet it just seems so far off and unlikely to me that I wonder if I’m just day dreaming. Maybe it’s all a romantic fairy tale in my head and won’t actually happen. Maybe one day I’ll be 30 and still single and forced to use the money to pay rent–since I can’t be so ridiculous as to think I can just live with my parents forever. Though living alone just seems… terrifying. I hate being alone with a passion. Occasionally I like a little bit of time alone, but to live alone, to have no one to come home to, to tell of the details of my day, or sit and chat with—that just seems like a nightmare.

I’m in a bit of a paradox when I say that, being that I don’t spend much time cultivating my social life. Though I spend a great deal of time and energy on being a good example and upholding my standards at work, the rest of the time I spend in books, or with my critters, and little time with like-minded people. Probably because I meet very few truly like-minded people. And I’ve been sick at least once a month lately for reasons I wish I knew, so that leads to a lot of time at home on the couch watching Doctor Who and depleting the worlds tissue supply. Fun. 

Maybe I just think way too much, and need to just shut my mind up. That is always a possibility.

Is Marriage…okay?

Safari Desktop Picture

For years I’ve read countless books on singleness, marriage, love, relationships, sex, etc, trying to mature my views and my heart as to what God asks of me, and to make sense of the ache in my heart. What I’ve found is that Genesis has the simplest answer to all of my questions.

“The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’

So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

Genesis 2:18, 21-23

I put in bold the wording that really stands out to me.

Even in perfect unity with God, Adam’s relational status was not deemed “good” by the Creator until he had Eve.

There are those called to remain single, but honestly, that is (and should be) very few of us. We were not designed for it, plain and simple. And not just because we have a sex drive. It has very little to do with that. Marriage is one of the strongest forces on earth, capable of humbling us, teaching us selfless, righteous love. Marriage isn’t to make you happy, it is to make you holy. It is true that you should learn to be happy in your singleness and focus on Christ, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say you must be content in your singleness. It’s a nearly impossible goal. God didn’t expect Adam to be content without Eve. And that wasn’t because he “couldn’t control himself sexually”. After all, there was no sin, and until the creation of Eve, the thought of sex wouldn’t have entered his mind. He didn’t even know what a woman would look like.

We need companionship. The kind that connects us at the soul level, which is something that only marriage can truly bring. To be fully and completely known by another human and loved anyway is one of God’s most amazing gifts.

Secular culture is screaming at us that we can sleep with whomever we want to and do whatever we want to.

I’ve noticed the Christian trend is often saying we ought to remain single if we can “control ourselves”.

Extremes are not the answer. We are designed to be tied together by Christ with one person and through that relationship, God will smooth our rough edges, teach us how to truly love, and as a team the three of you (Yourself, your spouse and Christ) can accomplish amazing things for His Kingdom.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

~Ephesians 5:25-27

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD.

~Proverbs 18:22

A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

~Proverbs 12:4

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.

~Ephesians 5:31-32

The Bible is packed with verses about marriage, speaking about it’s benefits, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. Why we’ve taken one section in 1 Corinthians 7 and made it into this false ideal. Paul was given a very unique calling in which he couldn’t have been married. His purpose on this earth was fantastic, but full of pain and strife that a marriage just didn’t fit. God is merciful. Paul was given the gift of singleness (read “He no longer had a strong desire for a marriage relationship). Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:1-9:

Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command. I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.

Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

(Note: “Widows” in that era were women no longer of childbearing age whose husbands died and were given the job of guiding younger women and being prayer warriors for the church. They had a very important roll in the church family. However, girls widowed while young were not to be cared for by the church, but were to remarry. If you doubt this, do some research about Hebrew culture at this time.)

Later in verses 25-40 he explains his view on this further, and a if you remember to read this in context with what was happening to the Christian church at the time, you will begin to see a new perspective. He begins with this:

Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is.

When you look back historically, the church was under attack. Christian men and women were in the midst of a different era. If you couldn’t control your lust, then get married, otherwise spread God’s word and try not to get martyred. Not a quote obviously, but that’s basically what it boils down to. If a man is asked to denounce Christ or be burnt at the stake, he can take that upon himself and ask God for the strength to hold out. But if a man is told to renounce Christ or watch his wife be burned… That is a whole different level of pain.

Paul mentions that a married man or woman’s interests are divided between God and their spouse, and that is true. However, living in such a way that you love your spouse with a Christlike love is one of the best ways to grow in righteousness. Concerning yourself with your spouses well being humbles you. Loving your spouse is a ministry. Not just to their heart, but in the hearts of those who see this love being played out. Learning to appreciate God’s design of your spouse is an experience of worship.

When I read 1 Corinthians 7, I see a highly misunderstood letter that is filled with wisdom primarily directed at those who originally received it. The church members in Corinth. It must be understood in the context of it’s time. Not that it doesn’t have merit now, those rare few who are given the gift of “singleness” (read, the gift of a lessened desire for a spouse) are more free to focus on certain aspects of God’s Kingdom. A different part of the Kingdom than that which married couples are to tackle together with team work.

If you desire a spouse, but are currently single, odds are some well meaning friend has said to you, “Maybe you are called to/been given the gift of singleness.” Noo. The “gift of singleness” isn’t that you can’t seem to get a date and thus will be single for life. It’s that your desire for a spouse is lessened by God and replaced with a stronger desire for and contentment in Him alone.

Desiring a spouse doesn’t mean God “isn’t enough”, it means God’s plan is  meant to be fully realized by the connection and humility you will gain by having a spouse.

I’ve written two other blogs similar to this, feel free to check them out.

Ministry or Marriage?

I’m Looking For Someone To Share In An Adventure

Will Work For Cuddles

Tonight, I feel good about myself, I cooked a great dinner, I feel well, and I’m in a really good mood. But, sometimes, I just have a very strong desire to cuddle. Not just with anyone, but with my husband. Just one problem…

I don’t have a husband… Or a boyfriend, or any such “significant other” with which to cuddle.

Now, I am glad that thus far in my life I haven’t had boyfriend(s), because I’m very tender hearted and really don’t think I would survive multiple heart breaks and failed relationships. So for that reason, I choose to be thankful that I haven’t been asked out or pursued by the wrong guy(s), or kissed, because I really only want to have shared that with one man. But I will say, at the same time, It’s a bitter sweet kind of thankfulness. Especially on nights when I really want to be cuddled with… It’s kinda depressing.

There are nights when I’m just tired of going to sleep by myself in a cold, lonely bed. Not that I’m in a huge rush to be married, I just wish I could actually see myself moving in that direction. For awhile I thought the reason I didn’t see any progress in it was because God was waiting on me to change something about myself. Something about me wasn’t ready yet. And that is true. In fact I am sure there is a lot about me that needs work, ways I need to mature. But a friend of mine told me something recently that opened my eyes to something I hadn’t even thought of.

“What if he’s not ready yet? Maybe the guy God has for you still has maturing to do too, and that’s why you haven’t seen any progression. God’s working on him.

That totally blew my mind. It’s like I hadn’t even given thought of the fact that I’m not going to be the only human in that relationship, and all humans have to grow up a bit before they’re ready to pursue something so important as a lifelong relationship with their spouse. Yes, I still have a lot of work to do, God’s still working in my heart to cultivate in me what I need to be a really awesome wife. But He’s got to do the same in my future husbands heart, too. And that really excites me. That right now, God is working in my husbands heart and preparing him for me. Just as I am being prepared for him. Pretty cool.

I guess cuddles will have to wait a while longer. *sighs*


Real Masculinity

If I marry:
He must be so tall when he is on his knees, as one has said, he reaches all the way to Heaven.
His shoulders must be broad enough to bear the burden of a family.
His lips must be strong enough to smile, firm enough to say no, and tender enough to kiss.
His love must be so deep that it takes its stand in Christ and so wide that it takes the whole lost world in.
He must be big enough to be gentle and great enough to be thoughtful.
His arms must be strong enough to carry a little child.

~Ruth Bell Graham