Why is porn such a big deal?

I’ve heard people say things like “Why should it matter if someone watches porn? It’s not hurting anybody.”

I’m not going to write a long blog about this. I can say that personally, I’ve had friendships torn about by the addictions of the fathers of my friends. But that isn’t even a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Of all the pastors I’ve heard talk about this, of all the books I’ve read that mentioned it. No one has said it as well or as intelligently as Mr. Ted Bundy. Please watch this video, and take it to heart. It’s extremely important. Porn is more than just a case of lust being explored. It’s one of Satan’s strongest strategies of destruction for both men and women.

Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today, it snatched me out of my home 20, 30 years ago. And as diligent as my parents were, and they were diligent in protecting their children, and as good a Christian home as we had, a wonderful Christian home, there is no protection against the kinds of influences that are loose in a society that tolerates this.” ~Ted Bundy